European Society for Intravenous Anaesthesia
Education & Research on TIVA
We deliver practical knowledge rooted in translational science and applied pharmacology to ensure safe and effective TIVA practices.
Next Meeting
Lisbon 2025
Make TIVA simple again: a postgraduate course on IV anesthetic pharmacology and perioperative
Welcome to EUROSIVA
Message of the Chairman
It has been an honor and a challenge to succeed Gavin Kenny and Stefan Schraag as chairman of EuroSIVA. However, my task is not so difficult as we have kept most of the inaugural Board of Directors active, and we now have Hernan Boveri and Hugo Vereecke as new members.
TIVA with TCI and adequate multimodal monitoring has a promising Future. New pumps, better models, and versatile monitors that assess the adequacy of the anesthetic level constitute a perfect anesthetic approach, fitting with the modern concept of Precision Medicine and global environmental concerns.
EuroSIVA will continue to promote educational programs and gather all those interested in learning more about TIVA, anesthetic pharmacology, and multimodal perioperative monitoring. All are welcome: medical students, physicians, basic scientists and clinical researchers, anesthetic nurses and technicians, industry representatives, the youngest, experts, skeptics, lovers, mentors, and mentees.
Francisco Lobo
<<< Message of the Past Chairman - Stefan Schraag

Our history
We deliver practical knowledge rooted in translational science and applied pharmacology to ensure safe and effective TIVA practices.
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Board Members

Stefan Schraag

Francisco Lobo

Frank Engbers

Hernán Boveri

Gavin Kenny

Luc Barvais

Alain Borgeat

Nick Stcliffe

Hugo Vereecke
